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Ting-Yuan Wang

TLM-ADI Simulator

- A Linear Time Power Grid Transient Simulator 

( prototype )

Yu-min Lee and Charlie Chung-Ping Chen


·        Introduction:

The soaring clocking frequency and integration density demand robust and stable power delivery to support tens of millions of transistors switching. To ensure the design quality of power delivery, extensive transient power grid simulations need to be performed during design process. A new efficient power grid transient simulator based on the transmission-line-modeling alternating-implicit-method (TLM-ADI) is developed. TLM-ADI not only has a linear runtime and memory requirement, but also is unconditionally stable.

·        OS Requirement:

PC (Windows based); SUN

·        Usage and Data Format:

TLM-ADI [input filename] [output filename]

Ø     Input filename: The format of input file is in  IN_FILE.doc.

o       An example of input file:
3                                                # of nodes in x- direction 
3                                                # of nodes in y- direction 
5e-013                                        time-step (sec)
2e-009                                        total simulation time (sec)
2                                                # of output waveforms 
0                                                0'th output-node is (0,2) 
2                                                1'st output-node is (2,2) 
1.25410       5.26724e-011             Rx[0][0] Lx[0][0] 
1.47947       6.21377e-011             Rx[1][0] Lx[1][0]
1.51639       6.36883e-011             Rx[0][1] Lx[0][1]
1.64660       6.91573e-011             Rx[1][1] Lx[1][1]
1.26802       5.32569e-011             Rx[0][2] Lx[0][2]
1.28768       5.40827e-011             Rx[1][2] Lx[1][2]
1.44179       6.05553e-011             Ry[0][0] Ly[0][0]
1.87053       7.85621e-011             Ry[0][1] Ly[0][1]
1.46179       6.65553e-011             Ry[1][0] Ly[1][0]
1.88530       7.95621e-011             Ry[1][1] Ly[1][1]
1.17900       6.95553e-011             Ry[2][0] Ly[2][0]
1.89043       7.05621e-011             Ry[2][1] Ly[2][1]
2.45e-15    2.12e-15    1.92e-15     C[0][0] C[1][0] C[2][0] 
2.35e-15    2.13e-15    2.90e-15     C[0][1] C[1][1] C[2][1] 
2.25e-15    2.17e-15    1.79e-15     C[0][2] C[1][2] C[2][2]

o       A sample input file: sample1.ckt

Ø     Output filename: Output file containing the desired nodal voltages

o      An example of output file:
t(ps)        V[2][0]        V[1][6]
0               1                1
0.5            1                1
1               1                1
1.5            1                1
2               1                1
2.5            1                1
3               1                1
3.5            1                1
4               1                1
4.5            1                1
5               1                1
5.5            1                1
6               1                1
6.5            1                1
7               1                0.999999
7.5            1                0.999996
8               1                0.999991
8.5            1.0001        0.999988
9               1.0002        0.999991
9.5            1.0003        0.999998
10             1.0002        1

·        Download:

TLM-ADI Simulator for Windows:; Solaris: tlm-adi.tar.


·        Reference:

[1] Yu-Min Lee, Charlie Chung-Ping Chen, "Power Grid Transient Simulation in Linear Time Based on Transmission-Line-Modeling  Alternating-Direction-Implicit Method," IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), 2001


·        Technical Support:

All questions and suggestions email to


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