Thermal Simulator



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Ting-Yuan Wang


3D Thermal-ADI 
- A Linear-Time Chip Level Transient Thermal Simulator 
( prototype )

Ting-Yuan Wang and Charlie Chung-Ping Chen

The recent study shows that the nonuniform thermal distribution not only have impacts on the substrate but also the interconnects. Hence 3D Thermal analysis is crucial to analyze these effects. An efficient three-dimensional transient thermal simulator based on the alternating direction implicit (ADI) method is developed for temperature estimation in a three dimensional environment. The  3D Thermal-ADI simulator not only has a linear runtime and memory requirement, but also is unconditionally stable.

bulletOS Requirement: 
PC (Windows based)/ SUN

ThermalADI [input data file] [input power density file]

bullet File Format Description:
bulletThe power density input format:
  net0     18 18 16     22 38 18          M5                  5.21e14
(name)  (x1,y1,z1)  (x2,y2,z2)  (material)  (power density [W/m^3])
Sample input file: Sample_Input.txt.
bulletThe input data file format:
Please see the files data.txt and dataReadme.txt for details.
Each line in the file dataReadme.txt gives the corresponding meaning  of the file data.txt.
bulletThe generated MatLab files (e.g. Tz15.m, Tx5.m,...) can be viewed in the MatLab environments as:
>> Temp = load('Tz15.m');
>> contourf(Temp,20);
bulletThe transient behavior for the chosen point can be seen in the output file ThermalADI_transient.txt.


The  execution file for PC version is
The  execution file for SUN version is ThermalADI.tar.

bullet Reference:
[1] Ting-Yuan Wang and Charlie Chung-Ping Chen, "Thermal-ADI: a Linear-Time Chip-Level Dynamic Thermal Simulation Algorithm based on Alternating-Direction-Implicit (ADI) method," International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD), 2001.
[2] Ting-Yuan Wang, Yu-Min Lee, and Charlie Chung-Ping Chen, "3D Thermal-ADI: An Efficient Chip-Level Transient Thermal Simulator," International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD), 2003.

bulletTechnical Support:
If you have any technical problem, please email the author Ting-Yuan Wang ( of this tool. Please also report any bug you find to the author. Thanks very much.

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