


永遠的追思... 4

Letters From Family. 4

Letter from 王益暉... 4

告別式通知... 4

告別式訃聞... 5

王金土先生內文... 5

王金土先生地址... 6

Letter from 王益暉 2. 7

王金土先生訃文     09/24/2010. 8

王金土先生內文... 9

王金土先生地址... 10

Letters From NTU/EE60 Classmates. 12

Letter from Kuo Te-son. 12

Email from News From 周明傳... 13

CJ Hwang condolence to your family. 14

Email from Peter Wang to Shing Shiao. 15

Email from Teh-sen Jen to Te-son Kuo. 15

Email from May Chen to Shing Shiao. 15

Email from Johnson Wang to Classmates. 16

Email from Chai-Nai Chen. 17

Email from Chao-Han Liu. 17

Letter from Shiao Shing-Fa (09/09/2010). 17

Letter from George Pang  (09/09/2010). 19

Letter from Ming-chwan Chow  (09/12/2010). 20

Letter from Teh-Sen Jen  (09/12/2010). 23

Letter from Chu-Nan Wang  (09/13/2010). 25

Letter from Han-Tzong Yuan   (09/30/2010). 27

Letter from Sherman Chen   (10/08/2010). 28

Email from家鼐    October 11, 2010. 30

Letters From Kaohsiung High School Classmates. 32

Letter from Ming C. Chiou  (09/22/2010). 32

Letter Image from Jin-tuu to Ming C. Chiou  (09/25/1971). 34

Photos of Wang Jintuu. 36

Photos of Wang Jintuu (Edited by Shiao- 9/7/2010). 36








            Click link to watch (永遠的追思) on Youtube

Letters From Family


Letter from 王益暉                                                   Sat, September 4, 2010 1:42:13 PM


家父已於9/3 下午四點左右往生極樂世界,十分感激各位 家父有各位的關心,這一路走的很安心平穩


今後我將負責家父的治喪事宜, 請各位長輩與我連絡,感恩!






晚輩 益暉 合十




Thu, September 9, 2010 2:56:23 PM



Masky Wang <maskywg@ms25.hinet.net>

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DSCF0002.JPG (491KB)


1.         寄上家父告別式之電子訃聞,請代為轉傳。

2.         目前安靈位於龍巖台北會館之308室,平日早上11:00左右有家屬接待,或者告知龍嚴接待人員引導之。

3.         告別式中花卉將統一佈置,會在進一步通知送花登記方式。



益暉 合十









Letter from 王益暉 2   Tue, September 14, 2010 1:51:11 PM



Masky Wang <maskywg@ms25.hinet.net>

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Shing Shiao <shermshiao@yahoo.com>

各位NTU/EE60 的叔叔伯伯:









家父最後這一個月,即使在醫院,也常穿著那間棗紅色的「50 Reunion」的T-shirt,也把EE60網站當作HOME PAGE,足見對EE60的感情,蕭興發叔叔接手網站的維護,讓家父更安心的放下了最後的任務。




想起今年年初時,家父曾對50周年的大學同學會十分期待,還希望我跟他一起去參加,以便認識他的同學,因為他的罹病與往生,讓我真真切切的認識到,他這些EE60的同學們的至情至性。家父果真很有福報,能與大家親如兄弟,能有大家陪他走完這最後一段旅程,我想他一定了無遺憾。任德新叔叔說「有件事卻使我至今不能釋懷: 他一生功成名就, 走前還計劃留下DVD記錄他一生的成就. 但他卻是真的走了. 走到 那裡去了呢? 他現在還知道我在懷念他及稱讚他的成就嗎? ………………那么金土努力了一生是為 了什么呢? 只是為了瀟灑走一回?」我要說:家父努力了一輩子,不在乎有沒有賺到金錢或名譽,重點是他與各位結了善緣,換來了各位的真心對待,這就是他這一生的意義。








王金土先生訃文  09/24/2010

Fri, September 24, 2010 12:22:49 AM

Fw: 王金土先生訃文


Masky Wang <maskywg@ms25.hinet.net>

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Shing Shiao <shermshiao@yahoo.com>


2 Files  Download All
王金土先生內文.jpg (310KB); 王金土先生地址.jpg (201KB)















Letters From NTU/EE60 Classmates


Letter from Kuo Te-son                                             Sat, September 4, 2010 9:23:51 PM


Loss one of the best friends


kuo <kuo@ntu.edu.tw>

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Pang George <gpcajun@lusfiber.net>; 王孔啟 <kwang@eecs.wsu.edu>; 王正方 <peterwangfilms@yahoo.com>; 王竹南 <yjwang@ms7.hinet.net>; 王金土 <jintuu.wang@msa.hinet.net>; 王振華 <johnson.wang@comcast.net>; 王清義 <jtywang@cox.net>; 王紹瑚 <bshwang@yahoo.com>... more

Dear all,


We are  upset that we have lost one of our best friends, Jin-tuu.     

Jin-tuu's son called me last night, and informed me that Jin-tuu's 'farewell ceremony' , will be held at Taipei 1st Funeral Hall on 10/17  8:30am.

 Let us pray for Jin-Tuu's peaceful soul in the Heaven!

 Any of you have any suggestions to express our 追思 to Jin-tuu ( especially in the farewell ceremony),  please send me an email.   Our EE Dept' staff and I will do what we can to take care of your suggestions.


With Regards!






Email from News From 周明傳                    Sat, September 4, 2010 9:38:26 PM


Dear classmates,


I have just talked to Jin-tuu's ( 王金土) wife (陳春江) a few minutes ago.


Here is what she has told me:


The cause of his death is his cancer according to the doctor, not others (such as his heart; his heart was OK).


On August 7, he first discovered that his stomach was badly inflated.Doctor got the water out; the very first time, the physician noticed that there were cancer cells even in the water (or liquid) got out of his stomach. Later, a series of tests were performed and they confirmed that the GB (GB tube, not the GB alone) cancer cells have widely spreadall over his body, and, the doctor predicted that his had less than 6 months to live.


He felt no pain at all throughout the last two months. (Since the day of discovering his cancer till the day he passed away is less than two months.) The only trouble he had suffered is "hard to breath". He refused to apply the traditional "oxygen support", but simpler one.


About September 1, he had made up his mind not to apply chemo. As I have mentioned before, his reason of not accepting chemo was two folds: (1) low percentage of curing the cancer, and (2) the pain of chemo would have been too much that he wouldn't be able to take the pain with his physical conditions. So he then was  transferred to the department where some milder treatment  methods are applied to cancer patients who do not want chemo.


Only one and one half days in that client, he started to complain more about his difficulty of breathing. Only a few minutes after his strong complaint, the nurse was trying to clean him up hoping that he might feel a bit more comfortable in breathing. The nurse found out that he have had left this world while she was cleaning him up (about 4 PM September the 3rd.)


One good thing  is that he hadn't suffered too much pain and left this world peacefully.


For those who have not received my previous email, the following is the email sent by his second son.


Take care, my friends.





CJ Hwang condolence to your family          Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 9:10 PM


From: CJ Hwang

Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 9:10 PM

To: maskywg@ms25.hinet.net

Subject: Our condolence to your family


 Dear Mr. Wang:


I am very sad to hear the passing away of your beloved father. I did not expect that he went this fast. I sent him a book about the use of diet to control the cancer last week. I guess he did not even have a chance to read. Please pass my condolence to your mother.

Your father and I were very close in the senior year at Taiwan University and in the subsequent military service. He gave me the opportunity to work for him at Telecommunication Labs in Chungli from 1994 to 1996. As I told him before, he has done a lot for our class reunion. He will be remembered for his contribution.

I am sorry that I will not be able to attend his funeral in Taiwan. We will be praying for him.


Please take care of your mother and yourself.

C. J. Hwang 


Email from Peter Wang to Shing Shiao       Mon, September 6, 2010 4:22:10 AM

Dear Sherman,

Now I regret very much that I did not visit Jintuu more often in his last days. Yet no one expected it happened so fast. Our old pal Ah Tuu decided to take a quick exit. He always knew what he is doing . He'll do fine in other world.

It is more than appropriate to name the scholarship after Jintuu Wang.

Peter W  


Email from Teh-sen Jen to Te-son Kuo                    Mon, September 6, 2010 4:22:13 AM




While I am on my way going back to US, I found this sad news at the airport. It is such a surprise to me. As you said, we lossed one of our best friend. I had planned to call him when I got home. Enough of such thought! I should know better: Haven cannot wait!!


I'll get my thought together while flying and will send you my writeup shortly about the Jin-tuu that I know.





Email from May Chen to Shing Shiao                      Mon, September 6, 2010 10:09:42 AM

From: may chen <aimay947@yahoo.com>
To: Shing Shiao <shermshiao@yahoo.com>
Sent: Mon, September 6, 2010 10:09:42 AM
Subject: Re: "Wang Jin-tuu Scholarship"

CF and I are both devastated upon hearing Dr. Wang's passing.  He was a class act in leadership and generosity of the spirit.  He left us all  with such beautiful and inspirational memories this last trip.  How can we ever thank him enough for his love of people and friends?  We really hope the classmates will support naming one of the scholarships after him.  If they do, we should ask what qualities Dr. Wang exemplified during his life that made him such a respected professional, community member and human being and look to use these to identify deserving scholarship recipients.

Regards,  CF and May


Email from Johnson Wang to Classmates   Mon, September 6, 2010 12:02:59 PM

Dear classmates,

Jintuu’s face in the freshman year is still fresh and vividly clear in my mind. So are other faces I saw in our June reunion, not blurred at all by the facial images in our June reunion. (This is why I failed to recall 張希德 immediately when we met by chance at the LA airport just one week after the reunion.)

With unusual sadness I see that forever gone are those sunny and innocent college days. He is the first of the seven Wang’s in the class departing this world. (I was very happy to see 5 in the reunion.) He has been most kind in setting up and energizing the unforgettable reunion program, remaining as a fire ball to the very end. (I had to repeatedly ask him to allow me to continue to finish my short talk near the end of the bus tour when interrupted several times by him.) His spirit reminds me of a poem in our high school (or freshman?) English textbook, “Our hearts, though stout and brave, are continually beating the funeral march to the grave!”. With admiration I say farewell to him.

Johnson Wang 王振華


Email from Chai-Nai Chen                       Mon, September 6, 2010 11:07:50 PM








Email from Chao-Han Liu                                   Tue, September 7, 2010 2:45:12 AM

My visit with Jin Tuu

Yesterday, I came back from Kyoto and was really shocked to learn the sad news from Lao Kuo’s note. I visited JinTuu on August 18th after I read JinTuu’s email about the test results. and his son were with him. JinTuu appeared fairly normal and talked about possible treatments. I was impressed by his stoical manner and we chatted for about 20 minutes. He was very happy about the reunion and the spontaneous way the classmates reminisced about our university days. He was particularly proud of the setting up of the EE 60 website. As always, when Jin Tuu started a project, he would set up high goals and had plans to achieve the goals. EE60 website was no exception. JinTuu had high goals for the website. He would like to see it develop into a multi-purpose platform to help members of the EE60 family stay in touch. We should not let him down. KC, George and Shing Fa, thank you for taking over the responsibility to maintain the website. This is an important legacy of JinTuu’s and we all should contribute to it.

When I left, I mentioned to that I would sent her information about food supplement that will help the patient during chemotherapy after I come back from my trips. But…….

Chao-Han Liu


Letter from Shiao Shing-Fa (09/09/2010)

It is well known that Jintuu has done so much for the NTU/EE60 class, Kaohsiung High School (KHS), and China Telecom.

He is the "Communication Center" for all EE60 classmates that visit Taiwan. Whoever classmate contacted him before visiting, always got invited to a special welcome dinner (接風) at the Taida Alumni Club for a special banquet. He has spent tremendous time and effort in organizing and implementing our EE60 40th and 50th class reunions.

Jintuu contributed to KHS Alumni Club generously. And organized many Video Conference dinners (and on-site dinners as well) for celebrating birthdays of former President Wang of KHS.

Everyone at China Telecom knows and loves Jintuu as 王副總.  And he is so well liked that every time I went to visit him there, I got a special welcome and treatment by just mentioning that I am friend of 王副總.

Most important to me, Jintuu taught me many things after I retired. He showed me how to download Skype when it was first released for general use. He taught me how to play Sudoku to challenge my brain. He assisted me setting up VVLINK to have video conferences with him. Recently, he also wanted to show me how to design and maintain the NTUEE60 Website. He also sent me a copy of his UNICODE application for inputting Chinese characters.  But, I thought I could learn all that in time and over time. But now, I am out of time and have to learn it the hard way. I regret that I did not take up his offers.

As Chao-han mentioned that Jintuu is so proud of the NTUEE60 website he designed and implemented. The website is functional well and contains so much information of the NTUEE60 class. We classmates all benefit from viewing the website. We can say the website is "Jintuu's Website". In memory of Jintuu, we will carry on his legacy!

(I know Jintuu for over 50 years. We were in the same high school (KHS 1953-1956). Though not as long as TS Jen (since 1950). We were roommates for the first two years at Taida.)

Shiao, Shing-Fa (蕭興發)

September 9, 2010


Letter from George Pang  (09/09/2010)


What I remembered about Jin-tuu Wang


I didn’t see Jin-tuu since our graduation in 1960. He came to my Ph.D. comprehensive examination at the University of Colorado in Boulder Colorado in 1966. My advisor is Mark T. Ma and he knew Jin-tuu at that time. Later he went to Ohio State University finished his Ph.D. in Telecommunications.

Last year he began to plan for EE60 Class 50th year’s reunion, I had a chance to communicate with him again. During the preparation period of reunion we exchanged our views about the reunion activities.

I mentioned the idea of creating a webpage for our classmates and establishing a scholarship for current NTU EE students.

After a lot of classmates’ brain-storming, we agreed to form two committees, one is to design the EE60 webpage and the other is to create a EE60 alumni scholarship. Both committee members tried their best to create both EE60 webpage and EE60 Scholarship committees. Jin-tuu assumed the leadership of both committees and successfully completed both goals.

During the reunion and island trip in Taiwan, I discovered Jin-tuu’s many virtues and accomplishments. He is a great achiever and a brilliant leader. He was well respected by his superiors and by the people worked under his supervision. He had a long list of publications and several inventions. In particular, he was very proud of his invention of Chinese Character Input Method. He had great idea in business development and management.

He made significant contributions to his company and the community he resided. We could call him “Saint” as Catholics praised the person who had done so many charity and volunteer work for the mankind.

We should honor him with a Jin-tuu Scholarship in EE Department

so that people will remember what great contributions he had done to the education in particular and the society in general.

We hope Jin-tuu will rest peacefully in the heaven with no regrets.


George Pang      

September 9, 2010


Letter from Ming-chwan Chow  (09/12/2010)

Good-bye my friend

Rest in peace


·       First impression


The first time I knew Jin-tuu was after the first monthly exam of my freshman year at Kaohsiung High School. He was at Yi-zu (一组) while I was at Er-zu (二组) [There were four classes (Zus) for the 1956 class; we started our freshman year in 1953. Those who got to skip high school entrance exam kids and those who scored real high for the entrance exam were assigned to Yi-zu: the smart kids. ] Jin-tuu didn’t have any idea who is A-lo-tsu (阿鷺子)for two reasons. I was an outsider – I graduated from Su-li Er Chon (a junior high school) and I was not smart enough to be one of the Yi-Zu students.

Even that students at Er-zu were not as smart as Yi-zu students, but we had the same teacher for each topic. My first monthly exam on nearly every topic was rather high – even higher than most of Yi-zu students - a pure luck. Suddenly, my name became a bit famous. Jin-tuu had to be curious after some teachers mentioned my name in his class. He found me and introduced himself to me – it was a shock and a honor to know him (a famous Yi-zu student.) After that our friendship grew quite rapidly; there were time we even exchanged our ways of preparing for the monthly exams. Strange! A smart guy hooked up with a not-too-smart outsider.

Without any special effort, our friendship got closer and closer as we were finishing our high school years. I remembered clearly the following fact. With a normal graduation exam score, Jin-tuu could enter National Taiwan University without taking the entrance exam. He had, throughout his life, taken every thing very seriously. He wanted to got the highest graduation exam score, he stayed up late to prepare for the exam and studied outdoor during weekends (it’s hot during the time of graduation). Unfortunately, he caught a cold and got really ill. He couldn’t take the exam. His make-up exam score was discounted; he thus had to take the college entrance exam.

God know why this “not-too-smart kid: me” was luck enough to score nearly as high as Jin-tuu’s score. We both entered the Electrical Engineering Department of National Taiwan University. Who says that there is not “fate?” Our friendship grew so fast. Besides the freshman year, we were roommates all the way [Note: I didn’t win lottery to stay at dormitory for my freshman year.] Even so, we went to have “red-bean ice” very often. He finally took me to meet his parents during our first break back at Kaohsiung – I guessed that I have proven to be “slightly smart enough” to be his friend! Ha! Ha! Only he knew the truth.

For the freshman year, Jin-tuu and I were the only two kids graduated from Kaohsiung High School. We had to join force to compete with the others. This led to the closeness between us; there was never a feel of threat to Jin-tuu that I would get a better exam score than him. This might be the reason that our friendship had never drifted slightly apart [Note: The next year, Teh-sen (德新) and Shing-fa (興發) transferred to the Electrical Engineering Department. We were no longer the minority in our department!]. Unfortunately, he had more ambition than me – he wanted get advanced degrees from US. “The not-smart me” was a farmer’s son. I wanted to stop my education at the college level. He picked the field of “communications” while I went for “power”. We didn’t study together anymore since we took totally different courses.

Even so, with different goals (we didn’t study together anymore), the time we were together had been reduced considerably. But, if I am right, we still continued our closeness. For instance, he still showed me some love letters that he got from his girls (some, he claimed, were only his friends, not girl friends). From my position at his wedding party, I could declare that I am still one of his closest friends. Why do I want to say that I am one of his closest friends? Who wouldn’t? I wanted to be friend of a “smart-guy”. Can you blame me for wanting that?

During the ROTC year, I stationed at Kang-san(崗山): the next town to Jin-tuu’s birth town (Chia –tou撟頭). Our military unit has a small truck that picked up us from Kaohsiung daily. The bigger truck then picked up people from various locations at Chia-tou, and took us to Kang-san. I stopped at Chia-tou once every so often to visit Jin-tuu’s parents. [Note: Jin-tuu stationed at any city.] This might be another reason that Jin-tuu’s parents asked me to play “that” role in his wedding. It proved that Jin-tuu obeyed his parents throughout his life: a smart kid and a kid loved his parents very much in every way! What a guy!

He started to work for telecommunications after graduating from college. I could be working at Taipei with him if my life didn’t have “that” terrible incident [Note: I taught in Kaohsiung Girls High School instead.] Three years later I came to the States, he stayed in Taiwan and continued to “climb-up” his career ladder! He became more and more famous in Taiwan (after he got his Master degree from Hawaii and Ph.D. from Ohio State). Meantime, I became an ordinary MTS (Member of Technical Staff) at Bell in 1968. So often he had asked me to go to his organization to work for him as a consultant. But, as I mentioned earlier that I am not an ambition person, I didn’t accepted his offers (he asked me at least a twenty occasions.)  I did feel guilty sometimes because I refused his offers. Even so, he still came to visit me every time he came to the East Coast. A few times, he had some business with Bell Labs, he would stayed with me for a week. His son moved to New Jersey in late 1980s. Clearly, he never stayed with me any more after his son’s family moved to New Jersey. We then went to his son’s place to see him when he came to the States. My wife quickly became a friend with his daughter-in-law. Jin-tuu and our high school classmates met in New Jersey quite often whenever he and his wife came to see their grandkids in New Jersey.

I am sorry that I didn’t go to Taiwan for college reunion (twice) due to my “teaching position”. I am now even sadder than ever that I missed the 50-year reunion this year before Jin-tuu got really sick in Taipei. Jin-tuu was the main coordinator every occasion when there was a small, not too-small as well as big reunion. He always, throughout his wonderful and colorful life, wanted to do his best.


Jin-tuu, my dearest friend, you had done so much to your family, to your friends, to your classmates and to the society. We will always miss you. Rest in peace! I love you!!


Your friend A-lo-tzu 阿鷺子 (Ming-Chwan Chow)


Letter from Teh-Sen Jen  (09/12/2010)




輕輕的我走了,正如我輕輕的來; 我輕輕的招手,作别西天的云彩。  - 徐志摩, 再見康橋 -


老友金土走了!  走的是如此意外的快! 走的是如此的瀟灑! 六月初他還是充滿了活 力的統籌主持我們五十週年的重聚. 那充滿了自信, 八面威風的王領導”, 總喜歡 拿著 Microphone 發號施令, 這情景猶如是在眼前一樣! 當我在青島知道他病了的 時侯, 我曾以自己的經驗, 鼓勵他要一方面要過著放輕鬆的生活”, 另一方面卻要能儘量過正常的生活”. 後半句是要幫他維持正常的心態, 以免落入自哀自怨的 低潮 . 但卻不知他是因為積習難改呢, 還是他Speed Read只看到我寫的後半句, 他每 天在病床上還真的繼續忙著寫 Email, 又為EE60 的網站花精神! 八月卄九, 他送給 大家最後的一封 Email, 說他 決定不用化療了. 我看了這信後, 頗有感觸. 計劃要在 九月六號回美之後, 好好跟他聊聊. 那想到九月三號, 他卻瀟瀟灑灑的走了!

認識金土是六十年前的事了. 1950年夏末, 我們同時考進了台灣省立高雄中學. 時雄中是以能力分組”. 在初一的四班裡, 我們兩個草地郎同時被分到第一組. 就這 , 我們開始了六年的同校同班的生活. 後來加上台大四年, 剛好湊滿了十年寒窗”.

回憶1950年代的台灣南部鄉下, 再加上我們倆人那時的家境, “寒窗這兩個字恐怕 是最好的寫真了. 而我們交情的起點, 也恰好是建在這點上: 我們初中三年的交情 是不折不扣的乏善可陳”: 我那時是從左營每天趕海軍交通車上學放學, 他是從更 遠的橋頭每天趕火車, 加上他那時是個文文靜靜的小個子, 而我卻是個愛動愛玩的大塊呆”.雖然同班, 在一起的時間可真不多. 這樣一直到了高中. 大家開始K書了. 我們兩個草地郎也不例外. 只是我們兩人的家都是又小又擠, 很難安安靜靜的K. 所以每 逢週末或假日, 我們就不約而同的到學校去K. 就這樣,我們兩個原本不在 同一條軌道上的人, 變成了好朋友.

一同K書使我体驗到金土的聰明和智慧. 他記憶力強, 又有毅力.  K了三年 ,他嬴到 保送台大電机系的榮譽. 後來又得到電信局獎學金, 直到大學畢業. 他做起事來按 步就班,有遠見也有計劃. 當大家都在一窩蜂的準備出國時, 他了解自己處境的不同, 不去忙出國, 卻忙著準備高考及在台灣成家立業. 在通過了高考, 定了在台灣 的基礎之後, 他才再 開始為出國努力. 就這樣, 經過了多年的經營, 他終於在公私 兩全之下, 先後在夏威夷大學及俄亥俄大學圓了他碩士及博士的夢!

我們是大學畢業後就各奔前程. 我是個君子之交淡如水的懶人. 真多虧金土為人熱 . 使我們多年來一直維持著連系.他還千里迢迢的來看過我幾次. 我最記得是兩次: 80 年代,他研發了一套用較少bits 的中文Coding System. 他認為比別的系統都好, 那時 Poughkeepsie, NY. 作的事與 coding 連邊兒都沾不上. 但他還是去看了我. 帶著寸把厚的論文到我家, 不厭其詳的對牛彈琴”. 走時還留給了我一本以備万一”!  還有一次是在90年代. 他那時對 Golf 迷的很. 他來 Poughkeepsie 硬要跟我比個高 ,並旦開出 $1-a-Hole 天价挑戰. 但他卻忘了我有天時地利. 結果他是以1 17, 慘被修理.當然我們最後只是大笑一場, 握手言歡!

他對打高爾夫球的熱中, 不但常常早晨四五點 鐘就起床去打球, 事后又詳詳細細的 寫下那場球的經過, Email 給我們球迷朋友們看. 使我在万里之外也能分享到他打 Birdie Hole-in-One 的興奮. 常言說從小事看大事. 金土不管做什么事,是公是私, 是正經 事或是休閒遊樂, 都是全心全意地投入.儘力而為. 他這份執著, 真常令我心 . 他在這次50週年同學會及設立 EE60 網站上的表現, 不也正是印証了他這份難 得的特質嗎?

金土一生努力向上, 不折不撓的努力出人頭地. 但更可貴的是他有個靠自己努力的 原則. 在人事複雜的官場中, 他能硬碰硬的做到電信局的副總經理, 又有個很好的 賢內助春江, 兩子都學有所成, 真是不能不令人稱讚! 但有件事卻使我至今不能釋懷: 他一生功成名就, 走前還計劃留下DVD記錄他一生的成就. 但他卻是真的走了. 走到 那裡去了呢? 他現在還知道我在懷念他及稱讚他的成就嗎? 耶穌在聖經的馬太福音 16 26 節問門徒們說人若 赚得全世界,  赔上自己 的生命, 有什么益处呢?人还 能拿什么换生命呢?聖經的約伯記說: “我赤身出於母胎, 也必赤身歸回” (1:20). 那么這不是虛空的虛空, 凡事都是虛空”(傳道書1:2)? 那么金土努力了一生是為 了什么呢? 只是為了 瀟灑走一回?


德新2010912日寫於Carlsbad, CA. USA



Letter from Chu-Nan Wang  (09/13/2010)


主旨 : Re: 王金土紀念專集 link



金土兄走得突然, 令人悲痛不捨.


我曾多次打電話至他家, 都無人接, 未獲病房號碼與適宜探訪時間不敢往訪.8/30上午決定前往(冒着可能白跑一趟), 到達時他在睡, 嫂要叫醒, 我予以阻止, 醫師恰來探房, 要家屬(,媳婦,嫂弟弟), 到門外商談, 我也跟去旁聽. 嫂説家庭會議決定不做化療. 醫師説膽癌難治. 檢測已完成, 既不做化療須先轉病房, 或回兒家(勿兩老獨居) , 接管排肚水……

放棄化療, 可見他的無私; 做化療雖然可延長一段生命, 但將帶給家屬, 太多的煎   .

  大家回病房, 他也醒了與醫師交談, 他發覺我也在場, 曾二次舉手向我打招呼, 並介紹我是他同學. 他還是那樣福相沒變, 惟肚子稍脹, 鼻插氧氣管, 說話聲音微弱. 醫師離去, 我趨近與他握手交談 (其間沒放過手).

他掛念校友事, 交代三項:  (1)環島遊吳領隊,陳導遊禮金, 續請同學提供意見.  (2)Reunion團體照與相框四份, 將移交給我轉寄給俊元,昭明,定雄,雙發同學.  (3) Website應繼續開發, 每人應將自己生平與貢獻寫出, 如容許他自己還要補.

 輪我講時, 面對這敬愛的同學, 罹絕症剩半年壽命(其實只剩四天), 因不捨情緒激動, 不禁眼濕鼻水流, 說話斷續又不清, 他倒是安靜的在聽, (病人反比訪客堅強, 真不好意思), 自覺無法表達語意, 而放棄預備的說詞. 離開大樓時, 天正下着大雨, 更增加心中感傷.


   (1) 探病後幾天, 覺得難過不捨; 為他病痛及家屬的辛勞而難過, 為他將離開我們而不捨. 直至獲得噩耗, 反而不再難過, 另思及下述回憶而稍減不捨 ; 兒時群童一起遊戲, 忽有一媽媽來召回她兒子, 兒子只得不捨的離開大家回家, 另面對新環境. 天命不可違, 我們應祝福他進入新領域能快樂幸福.

 (2)在冥冥之中, 上天似有預先安排; 四月他赴美見到他兒孫一家人, SF Mini Reunion, 見了一些同學, 台灣大型Reunion見了更多同學, 原有事猶豫未決的全都參加了, 短時間內見了今世最想見的人, Reunion聚會順利, 獲得設置獎學金與Website結論, 環島遊遇到涼爽天氣, 老天一連串眷顧, 使他享受空前歡樂後, 才讓他瀟灑的走了.

 (3) 金土兄的學識,創意,衝力,領導等能力, 都是一流的, 他的熱心,堅持,直率性格, 都是強烈的, 生涯有卓越成果與贡獻.

 (4) 金土兄對同學聯誼, 贡獻最大, 主辦2000,2010大型Reunion, 過去數十年,旅外同學回台, 都是找他, 由他召集安排餐, 經常以Email提供給大家資訊, 找尋失聯同學(近期找到致榕,景雄,偉江同學), 對於隱居同學, 想法挖出, 參加Reunion(德新,孔啓,昆男等).

因他熱心直率性格, 曾有小爭論, 當他噩耗發出後, 相關同學率先, 表達出哀悼之意, 十分感謝這些同學.

敬祝  大家

康安幸福                          王竹南敬上  9.13. 2010



Letter from Han-Tzong Yuan   (09/30/2010)




Han-Tzong Yuan <htyuan@yahoo.com> http://mail.yimg.com/a/i/us/pim/dclient/img/spacer_1.gif  

View Contact


Shing Shiao <shermshiao@yahoo.com>


憶金土系友.doc (20KB)



















台大電機系1960年袁漢宗祈寫於美國達拉斯 (2010/9/30)


Letter from Sherman Chen   (10/08/2010)




驚聞令尊仙逝, 深感錯愕. 猶憶今年六月中旬同學會在台北的最後一次餐會時, 令尊仍如往昔, 精神奕奕, 談笑風生, 堪稱活龍再現. 豈知不到三個月卻遽然往生, 就此天人永隔. 人生變幻無常, 莫此為甚.

本人雖然五十餘年前就認識金土兄, 由於自己生活圈子一向侷限於台北, 大學上課時間甚少與外地同學交往, 下課之後各奔一途, 彼此人生道途就是沒有交錯. 當時他給我的印象是這位來自南部的高材生, 老實, 憨直, 內斂, 老是與南部來的同黨聚在一起, 印象中他似乎沒有特別引人注意的舉止. 如今回顧他的一生, 我真是有眼不識泰山, 慧眼獨缺, 錯失在近距離觀察這位偉人心路歷程的啟蒙階段.

這個情形一直持續到十年前在台灣舉行的畢業四十年同學會才有了改變, 那也是我真正認識金土兄的開始. 當時他一個人獨挑大樑, 舉凡在母校開會議程以及會後的參觀旅行, 再加高爾夫球敘, 一個星期緊湊的節目中所有繁雜細節都由他一手包辦, 而且辦得有聲有色, 圓滿收場. 當時我才領略到他超人的辦事能力, 同學會能如此成功, 再再展現出他的辦事才華.

今年的五十周年同學會, 金土兄責無旁貸, 馮婦重作, 將整個聚會辦得天衣無縫, 可謂轟轟烈烈. 這次聚會除了再次見證他原有的辦事能力, 我又看到他的生涯中成功的另一特點, 那就是他的領袖人格. 這次他改以他擅長的企業經營方式來辦理, 充分授權幾位在台同學們處理不同領域, 而由他居中掌管, 運籌帷幄. 這一來他不必事事躬親, 還能集思廣益, 讓各路專才矢志發揮, 此舉果然再創佳績, 與會者又是滿堂喝采, 讚不絕口.

金土兄在這次同學會的貢獻并不止於此. 有鑒於同學們都已屆退休之齡, 回顧當年母校的教誨與栽培, 點滴在心, 現在應是知恩圖報之時, 因此他戮力推動電機系友獎學金的設立及募款, 海內外到處奔波遊說, 如今已募得數百萬元獎學金, 今後造福的清寒學子, 必將不計其數, 他的功德可謂無量.

再者, 金土兄平時勤於與同學們聯繫, 交換資料或心得. 他有感於使用最新科技來永久收存同學們所提供的資料的必要性, 因此主動提議并徵得母校同意, 在台大網站內設立本屆系友的專屬網站, 並且孜孜不倦, 抱病親自從事該網站的設計與搭建. 如今該網站已成為同學們共有的資料平台, 可隨時瀏覽或交換信息, 這個使大家能夠隨時保持聯繫管道的成立, 金土兄的功勞不可沒.

以上兩點, 只是本人在這次同學會前後就近觀察金土兄督導全體工作同仁圓滿達成大任的觀感. 充分顯露他是一位有超然的辦事能力, 以及卓越的領導才幹的人物. 以前對金土兄在台灣電信業的貢獻所知有限, 自揣他能擔任中華電信公司副總, 絕非偶然. 如今拜讀研考會何全德處長的悼文, 才知道他在電信專業有此等偉大的貢獻. 他被推崇為政府電子化的幕後推手, 決不為過.

俗語說, 一位成功男人的身後必有一位能幹的女人在支持, 這就是對令堂的最佳寫照. 我對王大嫂所知不多, 只知這位老師每次見面時總是和藹可親, 隨時在旁襄助金土兄. 猶記得數年前大嫂不辭辛勞陪同兩位活潑可愛的小孫女旅遊美國, 並與金土兄順道參加在西雅圖的同學會. 陪伴兩個嘣嘣跳跳的小孩子跨海旅行, 再加一個事事都得伺奉的老伴隨行, 辛苦之事, 可想而知. 而大嫂含辛茹苦, 毫無怨言. 請轉告令堂, 金土兄這一輩子功成名就, 風光亮麗, 被譽為政府電子化的幕後推手. 那麼王大嫂就是這位推手的隱形大推手, 當之無愧.

俗語也說, 豹死留皮, 人死留名. 令尊因公忘私, 一生奉獻國家, 對社會所绨造的貢獻, 沒有多少人能出其右, 他無疑是我們大家的典範. 我三生有幸, 能與他平起平坐, 稱兄道弟, 難免會忽視他的豐功偉績. 可我要向你們兩位強調, 他是一位你們一生不折不扣可以引為驕傲的父親.

令尊在病榻時, 本人曾經向他戲稱由他再主辦十年後的六十週年同學會, 希冀以此鼓舞其生存意志. 他雖然沒有回應, 可是我深知他一定樂於再次掌舵. 如今他雖先走一步, 到時候他一定會有形或無形中助我們一臂之力, 與老同學們一起再次慶祝. 金土兄, 安息吧.






Email from家鼐                        October 11, 2010


Mon, October 11, 2010 10:44:43 AM

Re:Fw: 告別式通知


谢莹莹 <yingnai49@126.com>


Shing Shiao <shermshiao@yahoo.com>

EE60  诸位学兄(姐):



50年纪念之旅未能亲历,只能想像一、二,可谓平生憾事。 另一憾事是没能见到金土兄最后一面,在他最后的日子里给他送去一丝安慰。读了益晖贤侄的信,觉得台湾年轻一辈的人在思想和修养上都有更高的境界,使我很感欣慰。


退休后有许多时间看书,作些笔记和翻译,此间外语教学与研究出版社曾出版了我译的歌德、海涅、和Hermann Hesse的诗集,三册皆为德汉对照。可惜无法寄给诸位。EE助学金我会寄少量捐款,只是表示我的支持之忱。但这事会拖一拖。此间办事麻烦,且多半会生气。等明年见到我的女儿,或可助我办成。

 我出国前曾在中研院数学所为 林致平 先生做了一年助理,过了一段很值得怀念的日子,也学到了很多东西(这也是我日后转学数学的契机之一。)。在听说兆汉兄出任院揆后,很想借他鼎力,回那儿住上十天半个月,重温那种埋首书堆的日子,顺便找一些代数学发展的早期资料。现在身体太差,已很难离开家生活。曾经的理想恐也将归为梦想了。

平时看得多,写得少,也是疏懒所致。有时学写些诗词,只是勉力为之。附上小诗二首,可能可为我此间生活的侧面写照,不妨当作信的一部分。(请汉宗兄指正。又,不知可收入EE60 Website 否?)



















小楼谁问碰头频?  九畹芝兰一片心。

七重天外迷途燕,  五里雾中探路人。


(注:小楼句出鲁迅诗 《自嘲》)










Letters From Kaohsiung High School Classmates


Letter from Ming C. Chiou  (09/22/2010)


Fri, September 24, 2010 2:54:52 PM

In Memory of Wang Jin-tuu


Ming Chiou <mchioumdpc@gmail.com>  

View Contact



Two weeks ago when I was preparing to hike down the Grand Canyon, my cell phone rang.  It was Cheng Ming-Hwa.  He told me the sad news of Wang Jin-tuu's passing.  I would like to share some of my wonderful memories of our dear friend.

I first met Jim-tuu 60 years ago this month when we entered Kaohsiung Junior High School.  There were two kids from his village of Chiao Tou.   Chen Wen Chang was big and tall and Jin-tuu was short and skinny.  I was even shorter, the fourth shortest in the class, and sat in the first row and he was a row behind me.  I wondered at the time if the people in his village eat a different kind of food.  They are both from the same village yet so different in size.

We often played "Champara" during recess and Jin-tuu won most of the time because he was about an inch taller than me.  I wished I had Chen Wen Chang's size!

There was a railroad track about 50 meters from our classroom and I was fascinated when a train went by.  Jin-tuu told me one day, "That's no fun because I have to catch that God Damn train twice a day!"  

We had a good friend in common, Kao, who was from a small village between Kaohsiung and Chiao Tou.  To the best of our knowledge, he was the only kid in the class who had a girlfriend.  I can still remember Jin-tuu's expression when Kao told us how to touch a girl's hand and arm!!

On another occasion, Jin-tuu told me he was not a "pure Taiwanese" because his father came from Fu-Chien, China, just a few years before he married his mother.  I did not quite understand at the time and wondered, "Does it matter?" because friends are friends no matter what.

I was always proud of my penmanship in Chinese characters 60 years ago.  When I found out that Jin-tuu's penmanship was even better than mine, I felt kind of resentful, awful and felt awkward.  Now, one of my favorite bookmarks is a letter he sent me 39 years ago that he had written in Chinese characters.  It is one of my treasured memories since his handwriting is so precise. (A copy of that letter is enclosed.)

Throughout the six years in Kaohsiung High School, he worked hard and was a very good student.  In order to prepare for the important final examinations before graduation, he studied very hard and even slept in the school library instead of taking the train home.  Because of this, he caught a bad cold, got pneumonia and missed the final exams!  Otherwise, most of my classmates believed that he would have graduated as one of the top three in the class.

Forty years ago when I was doing my residency at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City, I received a letter from him stating that he was coming to the United States for his PhD degree.  I invited him to visit NYC before the classes started at Ohio State University.  While here, he reconnected with old classmates:  T.S. Jen, Shing-Fa Shiao, Ming-Chwan Chow, Cheng Ming-Hwa, Chao T. Hwang, J. F. Chen, C.C. Chen, Der C. Tsung, H.C. Chao, C. C. Tsui, I-Jen Chen, and C. S. Chen.  We had a ball!!

About two and one half months ago I received an e-mail from Jin-tuu stating that his doctor had told him he had only six months to live.  I sent him a get well card the next day and told him that his doctor is not God.  No doctor can predict how long a patient can live and he should be strong and get well soon.  Unfortunately, I was only 50% correct because Jin-tuu was in Heaven within three months.  He will always be remembered for his generosity to his friends and great contribution to Taiwan.

After I spoke to Cheng Ming Hwa, I did not feel well by the sad news.  About 12 miles down the trail from the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park, there is a suspension bridge across the Colorado River to reach the Phantom Ranch.  On the bridge with the great scenery above, I prayed for Jintuu, his family, friends and the country.


 Ming C. Chiou






Letter Image from Jin-tuu to Ming C. Chiou  (09/25/1971)


The following letter is used by Ming C  as his favorite BOOKMARK:









Photos of Wang Jintuu


Photos of Wang Jintuu (Edited by Shiao- 9/7/2010)


20100607_JinTuu_01.jpg 20100607_JinTuu_06.jpg 20100607_JinTuu_02.jpg

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